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Unit ZBZS Libušín

The Libušín Mine Rescue Service is classified under the HBZS branch of the DIAMO state enterprise. It was established in 2018, is included in the integrated rescue system (IZS) and falls within the scope of HBZS Ostrava.

The main task of ZBZS Libušín is to provide mining rescue services at the workplaces of PKÚ, other state enterprises and other organisations. The mine rescuers cooperate with the units of the integrated system in dealing with emergencies within the framework of crisis management and perform other tasks according to the decisions issued by the founder and the State Mining Administration.

ZBZS Libušín is located in the premises of the former social and administrative building of Kladno Mines. Employees with mining rescue expertise are divided into six platoons. Other volunteer members of the corps are employees of other organisational units of the company and other volunteer members are employees of foreign organisations.

In order to be able to immediately respond to an emergency, the ZBZS Libušín has five mine rescuers on standby at all times. The back-up consists of a home standby team with the same composition as the standby team at the station.

ZBZS Libušín is equipped with modern rescue equipment including oxygen breathing apparatus and air breathing apparatus. The material and technical equipment of the station allows rescuers to perform interventions in unbreathable air, activities in biologically or chemically hazardous environments, work at heights and above free depth and other special and risky work using rescue equipment.

In addition to providing mine rescue services, employees perform off-duty work to mitigate the consequences of past mining activities. These include, in particular, the destruction of mine workings, rehabilitation and reclamation work and exploratory drilling.

Other work of the ZBZS is commercial work, which uses the expertise of the employees, such as high-altitude work using climbing equipment, drilling wells and boreholes for heat pumps, etc.