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The mining rescue service is an integral part of mining activities. Its position and tasks are set out in the Mining Act, the Decree of the Czech Mining Authority on the Mining Rescue Service and the Staff Regulations approved by the Czech Mining Authority.

The task of the Mining Rescue Service is to carry out work and to intervene quickly and effectively to:

  • saving human lives and property in accidents, including providing first aid underground,
  • dealing with accidents,
  • removing the consequences of accidents.

Main tasks of HBZS:

  • ensures the permanent readiness of mining rescuers at HBZS, including specialists and necessary equipment,
  • provides professional first aid underground and on the surface, primarily on mines with gas hazard class II,
  • provides training and practical training of mine rescuers,
  • repairs, inspects and tests self-rescue apparatus, breathing apparatus, resuscitation apparatus and rescue equipment,
  • ensures special tests of self-rescue apparatus, breathing and resuscitation apparatus and rescue equipment necessary to verify their technical parameters and operational reliability in the expected conditions, to clarify the circumstances of accidents associated with their use,
  • methodically manages and controls the activities of the ZBZS,
  • inspects the equipment and means used for emergency prevention and emergency plans,
  • trains and tests employees intended for dispensing, maintenance and repairs of detection and indication devices for the control of mine air components and analytics of gas laboratories,
  • monitors and uses research and development findings in the field of mine rescue,
  • supplies or secures reference (calibration) gases and inspects gas laboratories.